Shakir IA, Okoroafor UC, Panattoni J. Matti-Russe Technique for Scaphoid Nonunions in Pediatric Patients. Mid- America Orthopedic Association Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 19, 2018
Shakir, IA, McGinty, J, Israel, HA. Orthopedic In-training examination: does what service residents are on correlate with scores? SOMOS 59th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. December 12, 2017.
Shakir, IA, Okoroafor, UC, Panattoni, JB. Matti Russe technique for scaphoid nonunion in pediatric patients. SOMOS 59th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. December 15, 2017.
Shakir IA, Ganesh R, Watson JT. Lower extremity non-tensioned traction pins: Is it a benign procedure? SOMOS 58th Annual Meeting, Olympic Valley, CA. December 13, 2016.
Shakir, IA, Winn, W, Israel, HA, Cannada LK. The Electronic Medical Record: Does It Accurately Reflect the Trauma Patient? Mid- America Orthopedic Association Conference. Bonita Springs, FL. April 14, 2016
Shakir, IA, Winn, W, Israel, HA, Cannada LK. The Electronic Medical Record: Does It Accurately Reflect the Trauma Patient? SOMOS 57th Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL. December 8, 2015.
Shakir, IA, Cui S, Alander D. Early Radiographic Results Of Sagittal Deformity Correction And Maintenance With Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Stabilization In Thoracic And Lumbar Spine Fractures. 4th Annual ISCoS and ASIA Joint Scientific Meeting. Montreal, Canada. May 15, 2015.
Shakir, IA, Cui S, Alander D. Early Radiographic Results Of Sagittal Deformity Correction And Maintenance With Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Stabilization In Thoracic And Lumbar Spine Fractures. Mid- America Orthopedic Association Conference. Hilton Head Island, SC. April 24, 2015
Hill BW, Shakir IA, Cannada LK. Dorsal Screw Penetration with the use of Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fracture: How can you best detect? Mid- America Orthopedic Association Conference. Hilton Head Island, SC. April 24, 2015
Hill BW, Shakir IA, Cannada LK. Dorsal Screw Penetration with the use of Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fracture: How can you best detect? American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 2015 Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. Presented March 26, 2015
Shakir IA, Bledsoe GJ, Israel HA, Cannada LK. Biomechanical Study of Olecranon Plate Fixation in Comminuted Osteoporotic Fracture Model: Locking Compression Plates vs. Dynamic Compression Plates. Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Resident Research Day – Visiting Professor – Dr. Thomas Einhorn, September 13, 2014
Shakir IA, Patel NH, Chamberland RR, Kaar SG. Are cell phones a potential source of bacterial contamination in the operating room? Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Resident Research Day – Visiting Professor – Dr. Thomas Einhorn, September 13, 2014
Salazar DH, Shakir IA, Joe K, Choate S. Acute Pectoralis Major Tears in Forward Depolyed Active Duty U.S. Military Personnel: A Population at Risk? General Session 6: Shoulder. SOMOS 56th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. December 15-19, 2014.
Hill BW, Shakir IA, Cannada LK. Dorsal Screw Penetration with the use of Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fracture: How can you best detect? Concurrent Session 10C: Hand and Education. SOMOS 56th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. December 15-19, 2014.
Shakir IA, Bledsoe GJ, Israel HA, Cannada LK. Biomechanical Study of Olecranon Plate Fixation in Comminuted Osteoporotic Fracture Model: Locking Compression Plates vs. Dynamic Compression Plates. Concurrent Session 10C: Hand and Education. SOMOS 56th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. December 15-19, 2014.
Shakir IA, Patel NH, Chamberland RR, Kaar SG. Are cell phones a potential source of bacterial contamination in the operating room? Concurrent Session 10C: Hand and Education. SOMOS 56th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. December 15-19, 2014.
Rotator Cuff Tears. Department of Orthopedic Surgery Grand Rounds. June 15, 2017. St. Louis, MO
Occipitocervical Pathology. Department of Orthopedic Surgery Grand Rounds. January 25, 2017. St. Louis, MO
Proximal Humerus Fractures. Department of Orthopedic Surgery Grand Rounds. March 30, 2016. St. Louis, MO
Case Presentation St. Louis Orthopedic Society, St. Louis, MO , October 14, 2015
Case Presentation. 7th Annual Robert E. Burdge, M.D., Lectureship in Orthopedic Surgery. St. Louis, MO, November 15, 2014.